A new benchmark has been set for eating the world's hottest chilli in two minutes. An Indian mother has broken the Guinness World Record after eating 51 Ghost Chillis, the world's hottest chilli in two minutes.

The feat was accomplished in front of British chef Gordon Ramsay who could not manage to eat one. The woman, Anandita Dutta Tamuly, 26, said she felt terrible as she managed to eat 60 in a previous local event.

Anandita Dutta Tamuly completed her eye-watering feat in two minutes, to the astonishment of Gordon Ramsay, who was monitoring her record attempt.
Anandita Dutta Tamuly And for some inexplicable reason, 26-year-old Mrs Tamuly then went on to smear handfuls of seeds from the fiery bhut jolokia chillies into her eyes as the crowds gasped in horror.
Bhut Jolokia (capsicum frutescens), a chilli native to Assam, is recognised by the Guinness World Records as the world’s hottest chilli pepper.

The discovery by Paul Bosland, a Regents Professor in horticulture at New Mexico State University, was recognised by the Guinness World Records in a testimony saying Bhut Jolokia, belonging to the Capsicum Chinese family and native to Assam, was the hottest of all spices.


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